Стр. 11 - Мир ВТ

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P r o f e s s i o n a l i sm
отдельно стоящего здания для хранения
бочек и канистр. Благодаря этому
мы еще больше приблизимся к цели —
получение пяти звезд по стандартам
– Какие требования предъявляются к
сотрудникам склада?
– На самом деле кладовщиков, что
называется, «с улицы» брать на работу
не будешь. Важно, чтобы работник
склада был ответственен и внимателен.
Ведь складские работники водят погруз-
чик, и при отсутствии должной внима-
тельности возможны какие-то про-
изводственные травмы. Необходима
внимательность и при приеме груза,
нужно также, чтобы кладовщик мог осу-
ществлять корректную отгрузку товара
заказчику. Немаловажна и инициатив-
ность. Кроме того, не стоит забывать,
что это физическая работа, и у нас
достаточно молодой коллектив,
от 25 до 35 лет.
– Как проходит обучение новых
сотрудников склада?
– Каждый новый сотрудник закреп-
ляется за более опытным, который
в течение недели показывает ему весь
процесс работы и объясняет основные
принципы. Сейчас я работаю над
инструкцией, в которой планирую закре-
пить в письменном виде все основные
принципы работы склада. Это будет
памятка в помощь новым сотрудникам.
Мне помогают в этом начальники смен
как самые знающие и опытные.
– Как ты считаешь, какие качества
позволили тебе добиться успехов
в компании?
– Думаю, что не последнюю роль сыграл
уровень образования. Я окончила
Новосибирский государственный уни-
верситет, два факультета — механико-
математический и иностранных языков
(английский язык). Плюс ответствен-
ность и инициативность. Человек может
быть отличным исполнителем, но при
отсутствии инициативы никто не будет
стремиться помочь ему занять более
высокую позицию, руководящую долж-
ность. В компании ценится не только то,
что ты сделал в рамках должного,
но и то, когда ты взял на себя больше
ответственности и сделал нечто
briefings. All this allows us to say that
labour safety is organised in the
warehouse at a very high level.
— Has the level of your personal
responsibility changed over the recent
— Yes, of course. In our department, an
idea of compliance of all the VT
warehouses with certain standards is
being developed. This concerns similar
sets of equipment, loaders, and other
things characterising the brand of
Vostochnaya Technica for the customer.
We are actively working at it, having
determined the main principles. Our plans
include making a special brochure, which
would serve as a manual for the VT
warehouse standards in all the regions.
— Can you say that the Novosibirsk
warehouse facility should become a
model for other VT warehouses?
— I think we should strive for that. Now
the central warehouse includes
13,000 items in total amounting to
US$10 million. We have 25 employees
working in shifts without days-off.
Warehouse operations are not ceased on
weekends, and customers may receive
the equipment they need on any day of
the week.
— Are there any hard stress periods?
— We have had planned inventory-taking
recently, which usually takes place twice a
year. This is always a minor stress for the
warehouse team. Absolutely everything is
counted! For such work, we use not only
our employees but also the people from
other departments as assistants. This is a
hard period when the warehouse does
not stop its routine operations and, on
top of that, becomes exposed to
additional load related to the inventory-
taking. We must examine differences in
figures, find out the spare part needed,
etc. Such intense work continues for
2-3 weeks. Besides, last year the
Novosibirsk service centre was opened,
which essentially increased the amount of
work as a large number of items of spare
parts were required to be available in the
service centre for the repairs to be done.
Besides, we have a schedule of works for
the week — planned shipments to
branches; sometimes there are urgent
orders from our customers. In general,
there is more than enough work to do.
— Where do spare parts come to the
warehouse from?
— Our main supplier is the Moscow
distribution centre. All the purchases are
made through it, except oils. We also get
some cargos from Belgium. As a rule,
these are super urgent orders from our
— Tatyana, please tell us about your
department’s plans for the nearest
future. Will there be any changes in
your work, any new projects?
— In the nearest future, construction of a
separate warehouse for oils is planned.
This will allow us to improve the
performance of the central warehouse in
accordance with our contamination
control standards. A separately located
building for barrels and canisters will be
built. Due to all this, we are approaching
our goal of being awarded five stars
according to the Caterpillar standards.
— Which requirements are made for
the warehouse employees?
— We cannot really employ some random
warehouse operators. It is important for
warehouse employees to be responsible
and attentive. They drive forklifts, which
may result in injuries if the driver is not
attentive. Attention is required when
cargo is received; it is also important for
warehouse operators to conduct correct
shipment of the cargo to the customer.
Initiative is of no less importance.
Besides, one should not forget that
working in the warehouse is physical
work, and we have a relatively young
team, aged from 25 to 35.
— How do you train new warehouse
— Each new employee gets attached to a
more experienced one, who shows him
the entire process of work during a week
and explains the main principles. Now I’m
developing an instruction in which I’m
planning to write down all the main
principles of the warehouse work. This is
going to be a memo to help new
employees. Shift managers help me in
that, being the most knowledgeable and
experienced workers.
— Which qualities of yours would you
highlight as having allowed you to
achieve success in the company?
— I think my education played a
significant role in that. I’ve graduated
from the Novosibirsk State University,
receiving two degrees — in mechanical
mathematics and in English. Apart from
that, it was due to my responsibility and
initiative. One can be an excellent
performer, but, if one lacks initiative,
nobody will help this person achieve a
higher position and become a leader. The
company values not only what you have
done in the framework of your duties but
what you have done additionally after
assuming more responsibility.