Стр. 23 - Мир ВТ

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P a s s i o n f o r B r a n d
заказчикам сроки. Сами закупаем
металл, режем, гнем, занимаемся
покраской. Разработали универсаль-
ные контейнеры и делаем их впрок.
– Это же целое производство?
– Что делать, это выгоднее и быстрее,
чем покупать готовые изделия. Свой
контейнер дает возможность умень-
шить стоимость проекта на 50 тыс. руб.
Немного, но заказчику это важно.
– Почему решили взяться за сервис?
– Столкнулись с проблемами, постав-
ляя оборудование других производите-
лей. Все продавцы вначале обещают,
что есть все расходные материалы, зап-
части, но когда случается авария, начи-
нается долгая переписка. Поэтому я
сразу сказал, что мне не нужна никакая
гарантия. Проще отремонтировать
самому, чем заставлять нервничать
покупателя. Я гарантирую заказчику,
что любая неисправность будет устра-
нена, для этого у нас действует кругло-
суточная сервисная поддержка. Днем
выезжаем на место в течение двух
– Часто случаются аварийные
– Не чаще одного раза в два-три
месяца. Мы регулярно выезжаем
на осмотр, работая на упреждение.
На каждом объекте завели журнал рег-
ламентных работ, записываем замеча-
ния. Мы же заинтересованы в беспере-
бойной работе. Если заряд у аккумуля-
тора низкий, пишем: батарею нужно
заменить. Вообще у нас с собой всегда
есть резервные батареи.
– Если какой-то запчасти не ока-
жется на складе ни в Иркутске,
ни в Новосибирске?
– Сегодня можно получить любую зап-
часть. Плати, и в течение одной-двух
недель из Москвы привезут все
необходимое и на Olympian, и на дру-
гие ДГУ.
– Есть ли какие-то принципы, кото-
рые необходимо помнить, работая
с клиентом?
– Заказчик всегда прав. Попадаются
очень сложные клиенты, таким объ-
ясняем, что, к сожалению, не можем
удовлетворить их требования и расста-
емся. Но так бывает редко.
– Учились ли где-то руководить
– Нет, все навыки приобретал в про-
цессе работы.
– Lots, as plants have been installed all
over the Irkutsk Region and the city of
Irkutsk, as well as in the Buryat Republic
and the Sakha Republic. The most recent
major project included the supply of
emergency standby power plants to
Irkutsk International Airport. In addition
to DGS, the company sells industrial
uninterrupted power supplies (UPS).
The practical part of their business is well
adjusted. The company has opened its
own parts warehouse and has created
a service department. The guys are very
skilled and smart and can always
complete things. We have work
regulations and, for example, in order to
make a foundation or lay a cable, we
usually have to request another company.
This company, though, does everything
on a turn-key basis. This is convenient for
the customers.
– What about quality?
– They are working in full conformity
with the standards. We have two types of
contracts. One is for dealers who are
involved only in sales, while VT does the
servicing — the majority of our customers
are this type. The second type is for those
who take up both sales and servicing.
Andrey said right away that he would do
servicing himself and fully maintain the
warranty. We offered him to take part in
our projects and to be responsible for
assembly and installation works but he
– Why did he do so?
– He said: «Dmitry, I cannot take up
everything. I want to do something but
do it perfect.» They do not stand still;
they have started to manufacture
containers and have reached a decent
level, manufacturing controllers,
interface modules, and programme our
facilities. They can make space-saving
equipment to suit the customer’s needs
and can remove commutation. The
approach is like this — if a customer
requires something, we will do that. They
can provide extension of payment for the
plants and for the works performance.
Now, they are learning to use the
trade-in method. They buy used
equipment, upgrade it, and replace
automatic control system. Then, they will
probably lease it out.
– Are you generally happy with
cooperation with this company?
– Five years after, I can say this is the
only second-level dealer, who has fully
met the expectations associated with the
project. I think it is possible to hand over
the segment of equipment sales up to
700 kW to him in the Irkutsk Region. He
will fulfil the plan both for supplies of
equipment and for service. This is an ideal
dealer which can do everything. No one
of his employees will leave a site without
completing the task. If they set a goal of
supplying larger machines, they will reach
the goal. They can sell heat, too.
For each customer
Before 2009, VT had 15 second-level
dealers working all over the territory. In
addition to standby generator sets, they
had other business areas. Yet, it was only
EnergoReserve which survived the hard
times, although supplies of emergency
and standby power plants were the only
business for Andrey Borodin. He neither
built boilers nor repaired heat pipelines
and roads.
As the economic crisis began, the sales
volume drastically decreased. The
company has successfully overcome the
crisis because it had no personnel surplus.
More specifically, the company’s
personnel included only three people. The
director was also a sales manager,
a procurement specialist, an accountant,
a driver and even a porter, if needed.
Now, EnergoReserve has its own service,
a parts warehouse, a sales department
and, the recent acquisition, a steel
products workshop.
When visiting Irkutsk, the VT World
journalist could not help visiting the
company about which so many good
things had been said, all the more so as
both companies’ offices are located
nearby. Its office wall is decorated with
the letters of merit and certificates from
the Irkutsk and Moscow banks, RUSAL,
Rosneft, Air Navigation of Eastern
Siberia, medical institutions, malls, and
construction companies.
– Andrey, I can see many letters of
thanks but I do not see a certificate
from VT that you are the company’s
dealer. Are any proofs missing?
– Everything is in place, they have
promised me to send it. Some customers
ask for it.
– How did your cooperation start?
– Well, it happened by chance. If it
hadn’t been for Dmitry, we would
probably sell some other machines now.
Dmitry came to Irkutsk, offered us very
good conditions, and we started working.
We had enough business proposals but
Novosibirsk was closest of all, and timing
is very important for our customers. Even
now, if a customer is not willing to wait
and VT does not have the necessary
equipment, we supply something else,
although Caterpillar takes the first place
for supplies.
– Do you feel competition from VT?
– We happen to compete but we are
struggling on. There are customers who
started working with VT and then chose