Стр. 9 - Мир ВТ

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P r o f e s s i o n a l i sm
сотрудники, которые дальше переходят
работать в офис, как, например, сделал
Николай Денисов. Вначале он был кла-
довщиком, потом он заменял началь-
ника смены, руководя кладовщиками,
далее его перевели в наш отдел запас-
ных частей как специалиста по запча-
стям. Так что он смог выстроить свою
карьеру в компании. В принципе, карь-
ерный рост в компании вполне реален
и зависит от того, как ты себя показыва-
ешь. Жалко было отдавать такого спе-
циалиста, но ведь это его карьера, и я
дала ему положительную характери-
– Существуют ли особые требования
безопасности для работников
склада? Расскажи об этом подроб-
– «Safety first Безопасность прежде
всего» — это принцип, который является
приоритетным во всей компании. Склад
здесь не исключение. У нас не было
производственного травматизма, но тем
не менее охране труда на складе уде-
ляется особое внимание. Допустим,
у кладовщиков специальная обувь
с железными носками, предохраняющая
от возможного удара, а также каски,
которые в обязательном порядке носят
на складе. На улице работники склада
носят жилеты со светоотражающими
полосами, так как в пасмурные дни
и вечером это позволяет увидеть чело-
века. Кроме того, все работники склада
проходят обязательный инструктаж. Все
это позволяет нам говорить сегодня о
том, что охрана труда на складе органи-
зована на самом высоком уровне.
– На складе обращают на себя вни-
мание стенды с предложениями
твоих коллег по улучшению условий
труда. Насколько такая система,
на твой взгляд, эффективна?
– Как правило, это утилитарные предло-
жения. Допустим, водосток на выходе
из склада. Там у нас все время капала
вода, когда шел дождь или таял снег,
сделали водосток, и вода теперь
не льется, и лед перед входом не намер-
зает. Казалось бы, мелочь, а ведь это
ощутимый плюс. Такие мелочи влияют
на работу в складе. Даже если у нас
не будет светить пара лампочек и будет
сложно разглядеть мелкие детали, это
снизит производительность труда.
Tatyana Mukhina: A Career
Growth in the Company is a Reality
For about two years already, Tatyana
Mukhina has been the manager of
the Novosibirsk warehouse of
Vostochnaya Technica, which is the
company’s main distribution centre.
Tatyana told the reporter of VT
World about how she climbed up the
career ladder in the company, having
started with the position of
a common warehouse operator.
She believes that a warehouse
employee’s main qualities are
diligence and commitment. Besides,
Tatyana Mukhina has seen first-hand
that any ambitious professional can
build up his or her career with VT.
— Tatyana, please tell us how you
started you career in the company.
— I joined the company in 2007, and
September will mark my five year
anniversary at VT. Before joining the
company, I had never worked in a
warehouse, and, frankly speaking, I had
serious doubts about whether I should
agree to do the work I was not familiar
with. I started as a warehouse
operations controller, recording the
spare part physical flow data in the
record-keeping system. After a couple
of years, I was promoted to a reserve
management specialist. The amount of
work increased: I had to take care of
parts to be ordered, to make
inspections, and to control the
inventory. Two years ago, the
department was reorganised, and I was
promoted to the warehouse manager.
— How many employees are now
subordinated to you?
— About 25.
— Are they mostly men?
— Yes, there are only two girls, including
me, in my team. This is because of the
specifics of our work. Two shift
managers are now subordinated to me;
there are seven warehouse operators in
each shift not counting employees
working 5 days a week — these are
specialists in manufacturing hoses,
warehouse operations controllers
making records in the computer
database, and the senior warehouse
operator, responsible for the warehouse
— How do you manage two dozens of
men? Is it hard work?
— I wouldn’t call this work hard. First of
all, much depends on the relations
within a team. Since I’ve long been part
of this team, I’ve known many
warehouse employees for a long time,
and we understand each other. I can
change my opinion and admit I was
wrong if I hear well-grounded
arguments. So, there are no
— Do you have to apply harsh
disciplinary measures to the workers?
— I used to do this, but in general there
are no problems as we have
professionals who are able to do their
— Do you use any incentives?
— There are plans to change the system
of payment, and I hope that material
incentive will be added to the measures
of moral encouragement applied to the
workers doing their jobs well.
—Working in a warehouse is not
easy. Do you have a high personnel
— Not at all, most people have been
employed for over three years. There are
also employees continuing their career in
the office, like Nikolay Denisov. First, he
was a warehouse operator, then he was
an acting shift manager, managing the
warehouse operators, then he was
promoted to a spare parts specialist in
the spare parts department. So, he has
been able to make a career in the
company. Ultimately, a career growth in
a company is quite realistic and depends
on how you demonstrate your strengths.
I was sorry to give away such a
specialist, but this is his career, and I
gave him a positive reference.
— Are there any special safety
requirements for warehouse
workers? Can you tell us about it in
more detail?
— «Safety first» is the principle which is
a priority for the entire company. The
warehouse is no exception. We haven’t
had any cases of occupational injury;
yet, safety in the warehouse is paid
special attention to. For example, the
warehouse operators wear special boots
with iron toe caps, protecting them
from possible impacts, and helmets,
which are mandatory in the warehouse.
Outdoors, the warehouse employees
wear light-reflective vests as this allows
greater visibility on cloudy days and in
the evenings. Besides, all the warehouse
employees undergo mandatory safety