Стр. 15 - Мир ВТ

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E x c e l l e n c e
обширный круг общения с коллегами.
«Чем оперативнее и профессиональ-
нее мы сработаем в команде, тем
больше компания будет цениться кли-
ентами», — говорит Вячеслав.
Безусловно, сплочению разных отде-
лов помогают и организованные
совместные тренировки коллег
в спортзале.
«Спортивный зал — это всегда плюс для
организации», — говорит Константин
Доброток, сотрудник компании
Columbus — партнера «ВТ». «Он
не очень большой, но тренажеры,
которые в нем установлены, очень
важны при малоподвижном образе
жизни, связанном с работой
в офисе», — говорит он. Многие кол-
леги посещают фитнес-центры и соче-
тают тренировки здесь и посещение
зала, что, в свою очередь, влияет
и на их работу. «Я давно занимаюсь
спортом и заметил, что как только
перестаю заниматься, соображаю
хуже», — с улыбкой замечает
Еще один коллега Вячеслава, Николай
Денисов, вспоминает, что раньше
многие ребята тренировались в зале,
не имея необходимых знаний и навы-
ков, а сейчас все знают, что можно
обратиться к Вячеславу и он поможет.
Сам Николай посещает спортзал
не реже трех раз в неделю, и вместе
с ним и Вячеславом тренируется еще
около 15 работников «ВТ». «Спорт
сплачивает коллектив, и многие
узнают друг друга в процессе занятия
спортом. Это благоприятно отража-
ется и на рабочих связях между под-
разделениями», — рассказывает
Непосредственный руководитель
Вячеслава — Юрий Поляков поддержи-
вает идею тренировок. «Спорт — это
средство, помогающее заряжать наш
организм после усиленного потребле-
ния энергии в результате умственной
работы. Он выступает в роли бата-
рейки для организма, и чем больше
человек занимается спортом, тем выше
его рабочая активность», — говорит
Юрий. «Спорт — это всегда хорошо,
и такую инициативу по тренировкам я,
конечно, поддерживаю. Вячеслав
ответственный и спортивный парень,
и, думаю, что его пример будет поле-
зен другим».
age of four, he started attending a
gym where older boys practiced
combat wushu. This was how
Vyacheslav became first acquainted
with the world of martial arts. «In the
process of training, my interest in
sports increased, and after school
I started to try other martial arts and
to study their philosophy. Those
included boxing, jujitsu, and
kyokushin karate as it was interesting
for me to explore the limits of the
human body. Thus, all my life is
closely connected with sports,» says
Vyacheslav’s colleagues attending the
gym immediately noticed the new
employee, who trained like
a professional athlete. «They began
to ask me what kind of sports I did
and asked me to show them certain
self-defence techniques and
exercises to maintain muscle tone,»
recalls Vyacheslav. Gradually, an
informal sports club began to emerge
in the corporate gym of Vostochnaya
Technica. Many men started coming
to the gym at the time when
Vyacheslav was there and exercised
following his advice. At the moment,
people of different ages come to the
gym, from young specialists, recently
graduated from a university, to
forty-year-old men.
During the six months of the club’s
existence, the men themselves have
changed. «Having begun to do
sports, a person becomes more
disciplined, more active. He learns to
restrain his emotions under stress and
to transform them into sports
energy, instead of splashing out
negative emotions onto the
colleagues,» notes Vyacheslav.
However, the main purpose of the
training is not to win medals and
competitions but to achieve
harmony. If a person is harmoniously
developed, this influences his
communication with the outer
world — this is a deep belief of
Vyacheslav, who demonstrates to his
colleagues how to achieve harmony
in one’s body, work, and soul.
«To compare companies to people, it
seems to me that VT is like a spiritual
person. There is a spirit inside the
organisation, although the company
deals with machines, inanimate
objects. Serious attention is being
paid here to the formation of spirit,
the build-up of the team and of
certain spiritual values. This spirit is
formed by the people, their desire to
work, their orientation towards a
common goal, and the motivating
stimuli, which help the people
overcome the challenges that occur
and pursue goals. All this is facilitated
by the corresponding conditions
created by the management,»
believes Vyacheslav.
«A corporate gym is always beneficial
for an organisation,» says Konstantin
Dobrotok, an employee of Columbus,
a VT partner. «It is not large but the
training machines installed there are
very important for the employees
leading a sedentary lifestyle
connected with the office work,» he
says. Many colleagues attend fitness
centres, combining their trainings
there with visits to the gym, which, in
its turn, affects their work. «I have
long been involved in sports and have
noticed that, as soon as I stop
training, my thinking ability
deteriorates,» says Konstantin,
Another Vyacheslav’s colleague,
Nikolay Denisov, recalls that earlier
people trained in the gym without
having the necessary knowledge and
skills, while now everybody knows
that they can turn to Vyacheslav and
he will help. Nikolay himself attends
the gym at least three times per
week, and 15 other VT employees
exercise together with him and
Vyacheslav. «Sports bring people
together, and many people get to
know each other in the process of
training. This has a favourable effect
on the working ties among the
company subdivisions,» says Nikolay.
Vyacheslav’s line manager, Yury
Polyakov, supports the idea of
training. «Sports are a means of
charging one’s body after a long day
of intensive energy consumption as
a result of mental work. It is like a
battery for the body, and the more
one goes in for sports, the higher is
one’s productivity,» says Yury.
«Sports are always a good thing, and
I certainly support this training
initiative. Vyacheslav is a responsible
and athletic guy, and I think his
example will be useful for others.»
VT Team