Стр. 5 - Мир ВТ

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E f f e c t i v e C ommu n i c a t i o n s
S t r a t e g y o f S u c c e s s
Energy of the Future
Vostochnaya Technica has completed a
large project of launching a unique
thermal power plant in the Omsk Region.
Due to the Cat
equipment, Omsk power
producers managed to double the
efficiency of electricity production and in
perspective will be able to hold back the
growth of the electricity and thermal
power prices for the population.
The launch of the thermal power plant in
one of the districts of Omsk at the end of
August was attended by the governor of
the Omsk Region Viktor Nazarov and his
deputies. The unique power plant was
built by OOO Heat Generation Complex
and OAO Electric Engineering Facility on
the basis of an upgraded heating boiler
facility using Cat gas piston power plants
in a suburb of Omsk, the township of
This is the only power plant in the region
consuming the same amount of fuel and
generating two different products — heat
and electricity. According to the designers’
forecasts, the new power plant will have
a large energy-saving resource, which will
allow the power producers to restrain the
thermal and electric power prices in the
Yevgeny Reddikh, the chairman of the
Board of Directors and the CEO of OAO
Electric Engineering Facility, commented
on the event: «Firstly, we do not expect
fast payback and secondly, if the
authorities take a step towards us and
provide us with guarantees, it will be
easier for us to work with financial
institutions. Stability and consistent
progress are very important for us.»
As Nikolay Kozubov, the project manager
of the Gen Gets Department of
Vostochnaya Technica, told the VT World,
discussion of the project started in early
2011, and on 24 June 2011, a contract was
signed between the contractor and
Vostochnaya Technica. It took about a
year to manufacture and supply the
equipment, and by the beginning of June
2012, a complete set of equipment was
delivered to the customer’s site. Currently,
says Nikolay Kozubov, assembly and
installation works are being conducted,
while the VT specialists are supervising the
contract works and are carrying out the
commissioning works. The final
installation works, when the equipment
gets tuned to be stably operated under the
rated load, will be also carried out by the
specialists of Vostochnaya Technica.
VT Employees Appreciate Advantages of
Electronic Document Flow
The project for introduction of an
information system automating the
process of working with the company’s
internal documents, which had started
several months ago, has been currently
launched in three VT offices. The
employees of the Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, and
Chita offices of Vostochnaya Technica
have already appreciated the advantages
of the new system.
The first step on the way to document
flow automation was made on July 17,
when the system of automated approvals
of the company’s financial documents was
launched (payment orders and purchase
orders for fixed assets), as well as of the
company’s incoming contracts.
The project was launched in the company’s
head office in Novosibirsk and, as a
startup project, in the Irkutsk and Chita
offices of VT.
From September 1, the IT department of
the company will start introducing such a
system in relation to the outgoing
contracts of VT with its customers. The
system of automated flow of the
outgoing contracts will first cover the
Novosibirsk, Kuzbass, and Krasnoyarsk
offices of VT, the employees of which
have already been trained in using the
electronic document flow system.
According to the IT manager of VT
Tatyana Chesnova, the new method of
sending and coordinating the details of
documents on the basis of the DocsVision
platform allows the employees to see all
decision-taking stages relating to their
orders on-line, thus significantly saving
To ensure effective use of automated
document flow in the company, the
position of a document flow administrator
emerged, whose job is to coordinate the
system’s operation. Ekaterina Ushakova
was appointed to the position. Among VT
plans are to launch the new system in all
the VT offices in the nearest 2–3 months.
«All the company employees working with
documents will be trained to use the
electronic document flow system in the
nearest future,» says Tatyana Chesnova.
процесс согласования «прозрачным»,
а также устранить возможность потери
документов на одной из стадий согласо-
вания, компания решила использовать
электронную систему согласования», —
говорит Татьяна Чеснова.
Для эффективного использования авто-
матизированного документооборота
в компании появился администратор
системы документооборота, координи-
рующий работу системы. На эту долж-
ность была назначена Екатерина
Ушакова. В планах «ВТ» — распростра-
нить новую систему в ближайшие
2–3 месяца на все филиалы «ВТ». «Все
сотрудники компании, работающие
с документами, в ближайшее время
будут обучены пользованию системой
электронного документооборота в бли-
жайшее время», — говорит Татьяна
Техническая часть работ была выпол-
нена IT-компанией «Утилекс», в числе
заказчиков которой — ВТБ,
АК «АЛРОСА», «МегаФон».
Company News
на площадку заказчика. В настоящее
время, говорит Николай Козубов, про-
ходят монтажные работы и парал-
лельно сотрудники «ВТ» осуществляют
шеф-монтаж оборудования и пуско-
наладку. Финальный монтаж ком-
плекса, когда оборудование настраива-
ется для стабильной работы при номи-
нальных нагрузках, также проводится
специалистами «Восточной Техники».
Недавно состоялась встреча PSSR
нашей компании Владимира Володина
с представителями заказчика для
обсуждения перспектив годового конт-
ракта на полное сервисное обслужива-
ние комплекса.
«Данная сделка является уникальной
для «ВТ». Это второй проект, благодаря
которому электроэнергия, выработан-
ная силовыми установками Cat, рабо-
тает не по островному принципу, для
какого-то рядом стоящего объекта,
а будет осуществлять экспорт в сеть,–
говорит Николай Козубов.– Мы наде-
емся, что это только «первая ласточка»
и такие проекты будут появляться и в
других регионах».
В перспективе руководство компании
планирует строительство еще одной
станции мощностью 20 МВт.
Инвестиции в проект составят около
двух миллиардов рублей.