Стр. 13 - Мир ВТ

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E x c e l l e n c e
Harmony in your Work
and in your Soul
Improvement of the working
conditions of employees has become
a mandatory component of the
international HR management. The
internal microclimate of any
company is composed of many
details, and the company’s caring for
its employees, manifesting itself in
raising the level of their social
welfare, positively influences their
productivity. International safety
rules and social benefits are present
in every serious organisation. Such
standards are observed in all the
offices of Vostochnaya Technica and
have become an integral part of the
company’s image.
The new trend of the international
HR consists in promoting corporate
wellness, which is a concept of
complex development of a healthy
lifestyle. A number of major
companies in Moscow and St.
Petersburg are moving in this
direction. As a rule, they conclude
contracts with fitness centres to
enable their employees to engage in
sports activities with significant
discounts, while other companies
establish gyms on their premises.
Such a method of non-material
motivation helps them solve several
tasks. These include a possibility of
smooth socialisation of new
employees, who become more closely
acquainted with their colleagues in an
informal environment, next to a
training machine, and improvement
of people’s health. An employee
doing sports rarely becomes ill and
rarely takes sick leaves. Besides, the
informal ties growing among people
in the gym contribute to the increase
in communication among different
company departments, raising
productivity. Indeed, the ability to
work in a team is an indispensable
condition for successful activities in
any modern organisation, while
sports teach people to mobilise their
capabilities to interact within a team.
Vostochnaya Technica also started
developing the new trend in the
motivation of personnel and
established a small gym in the
Novosibirsk office. The company
management did the right thing —
the corporate gym immediately
became a success with both the
company old-timers and the
freshmen, who have joined the
company only recently. A bright
example of a positive influence of
the corporate gym on the employees’
work is the experience of an
employee of the logistics department
Vyacheslav, who has been with VT
for a little over one year.
He chose VT to work for since he
wanted to become part of a company
which has long been present in the
market and has a good reputation.
«I was attracted by the fact that I
was able to obtain information about
the company, its development, and
international ties from open sources:
mass media and the Internet. It was
sufficient to learn about the
company’s partners and its business
geography to understand that
I wanted to work there,» says
During the first months of the work,
Vyacheslav learned about the
company structure, gradually
immersing himself in the working
atmosphere of VT and
communicating with his colleagues.
Having learned about the corporate
gym in the Novosibirsk office, he
began to attend it regularly after
work and exercise.
It must be admitted that Vyacheslav
started to do sports long ago. At the
VT Team
Вячеслав познакомился с миром вос-
точных единоборств. «В процессе тре-
нировок интерес к спорту усиливался,
а после школы я начал пробовать дру-
гие техники, интересоваться филосо-
фией восточных единоборств. Это
были и бокс, и джиу-джитсу, и карате
киокушинкай, мне было интересно
ощутить на себе пределы возможно-
стей человеческого организма. Таким
образом, вся моя жизнь тесно связана
со спортом», — рассказывает Вячеслав.
Коллеги Вячеслава, посещающие
спортзал, сразу обратили внимание
на нового сотрудника, тренирующегося
как профессиональный спортсмен.
«Стали интересоваться, каким спортом
я занимаюсь, просили показать опре-
деленные приемы для самообороны,
упражнения для поддержания тонуса
мышц», — вспоминает Вячеслав свои
первые посещения спортзала.
Постепенно на базе спортзала
«Восточной Техники» возникла нефор-
мальная спортивная секция. Многие
ребята стали приходить в спортзал
в одно время с Вячеславом и трениро-
ваться, следуя его советам. Сейчас
в спортзал ходят люди разного воз-
раста, от молодых специалистов,
недавно закончивших университет,
до сорокалетних мужчин.
За полгода существования секции
изменились и сами ребята. «После того
как человек начинает заниматься спор-
том, он дисциплинируется, становится
более активным, учится в стрессовых
ситуациях сдерживать эмоции и транс-
формировать их в спортивную энер-
гию, вместо того чтобы выплескивать
негатив на коллег», — замечает
Наличие места для тренировок — это
дополнительный бонус от работы
в «ВТ» для такого спортивного парня,
как Вячеслав. Он постоянно поддержи-
вает свою физическую форму для
выступлений на различных соревнова-
ниях. Это киокушинкай-карате будо-
кайкан и джиу-джитсу — те виды
спорта, которые позволяют использо-
вать комплекс разнообразных стилей
борьбы, применяя как борцовскую, так
и ударную технику. «Последние три
года я выступаю в соревнованиях
за федерацию киокушинкай будокай-
кан и федерацию джиу-джитсу. В этом
году я участвовал в чемпионате России
Good health of the employees is a prerequisite for building up a successful
team of achievers. Creating favourable conditions for work and leisure
among specialists is an important factor that increases the team’s
performance and contributes towards a common goal. The Novosibirsk
office of VT is no exception to this rule, where the company employees have
joint trainings, strengthening their health and learning self-defence
techniques. This raises the team spirit of our employees and allows the new
employees to join the team in a natural and easy way.