L o n g T e rm C u s t ome r R e l a t i o n s h i p s
но мне кажется, что он не будет таким
маневренным. Машину на гусеницах
можно легко развернуть на одном
Хорошая техника — половина успеха
Начавшиеся в июне работы на объ-
ездной дороге в сентябре были пол-
ностью завершены. Объект получил
высокую оценку заказчика, автомобили-
сты также остались довольны, до рекон-
струкции состояние этого участка феде-
ральной трассы М-53 вызывало у них
большие нарекания. Сезон заканчи-
вался, однако погода в Иркутске еще
позволяла производить укладку
асфальта, и специалисты ЗАО
«Единство» получили возможность про-
верить новую машину совсем в других
условиях — не на прямой и широкой
магистрали, а внутри городских микро-
— После сдачи Ново-Ленинской дороги
мы переместились в город, где у нас
были большие объемы по реконструк-
ции внутриквартальных проездов, —
вспоминает Андрей Пилькевич. —
Дождей было немного, и асфальто-
укладчик работал до начала ноября.
Маневренная техника, даже в узких
дворах мы чувствовали себя вполне
уверенно. Здесь появилось еще одно
«ноу-хау». В то время возникли боль-
шие проблемы с асфальтобетоном,
и мы не могли взять необходимое нам
количество материала на нижние слои.
По проекту вместо нижнего слоя
мы укладывали сухую бетонную смесь.
Через 2-3 дня сухая бетонная смесь пре-
вращалась в прочнейший бетон. Эту
технологию мы показали в администра-
ции, правда, большого интереса она
не вызвала. Так что в итоге мы нашли
для своей машины три различных вари-
анта применения. Особой разницы, чем
ее загружать, я сегодня не вижу: два
слоя, нижний — из крупнозернистого
и верхний — из плотного асфальтобе-
тона. Мы сделали следующее.
Привозили сухую бетонную смесь
со своего РБУ и через асфальтоуклад-
чик, так же как до этого щебень
и асфальт, укладывали ее под отметку.
Во всех случаях используем каменные
материалы, укладка производится
быстро и качественно. Вывод — имея
хорошее оборудование, всегда можно
найти способ упростить, удешевить
и ускорить строительство.
strengths. The first point was that the
surface of the finished roadbed paved
with the asphalt paver was thoroughly
levelled, so there would be no problems
with the finished road. The machine
was reported to be manoeuvrable and
stable, and well-responding to the
operator. The second strong point was
that the machine ensures the stable
quality of paving. A special Caterpillar
suspension smoothens down all uneven
places, while the ramming vibration of
the beam ensures the set paving
density. The machine is good for the
roads where the quality of the roadbed
is to be accompanied by the fast pace
of operations, for example, on city
streets and suburban highways.
Examples were given of effective use of
the asphalt paver in paving airport
runways and highways built in the
mountainous areas. However, good
references are only the first step. What
is the reality like?
Skids may go
– We decided to try the Caterpillar
asphalt paver in part because of the
ultrasound system of levelling, – says
Andrey Pilkevich, – Caterpillar’s
approach is different from those used
by other manufacturers, and that
interested us, too. The quality of the
roadbed on federal highways is the
foremost task, and now I can say for
sure that if we had operated the old
machine, we would have had difficulty
finishing the road on time.
When we first launched the AP655D
asphalt paver after the pre-sale
servicing, it became the object of
everybody’s regard. The curiosity of the
road builders, who came to see the
machine, was understandable, as they
were looking at the first American
asphalt paver in the region. The
contact-free levelling system was the
special interest; even experienced road-
builders doubted whether it would
work. Machines supplied by different
manufacturers were present in the
Novo-Leninsk highway; however, the
asphalt pavers were equipped with a
conventional contact system: a special
skid was mounted on the form string,
sliding on it and repeating the profile
set. It turned out it was possible to work
without the skid.
First everything was done in an ordinary
way — support bars were erected with
the pace of 15–20 meters (at the road
turns the pace was 5–10 meters), the
string was drawn, then the ultrasound
sensor was tuned on the prepared
copier, and the work started. The sensor
determined the position of the upper
mark and sent a signal to the plate. The
smart system worked automatically,
increasing or reducing the depth of the
layer. «The smoothness of the road
paved with the asphalt paver was very
high,» – says Andrey Pilkevich.
Up to 200 tonnes per hour
One of the advantages of AP655D is
that not only hot or modified bitumen
mixture may be loaded into the hopper
but aggregate mixture as well. The
Edinstvo professionals found out that
the range of application of the acquired
machines may be expanded.
– We were one of the first to use the
machine as a ballast spreader, as we
decided it was not critically different
what to put into the hopper — hot
asphalt or ballast. We proved to be
right. It turned out that the asphalt
paver allowed the operator to prepare
not only the upper layers but also the
lower layers to be paved, and the
excessive use of materials was
essentially reduced. Now, we first plan
to lay ballast and then asphalt for every
road we build, – says Andrey Pilkevich.
– The time of work reduced, the quality
of road paving increased, and the road
becomes more even. The machine has
a large base, and all the pitching, drops,
and pits get easily ‘swallowed’ due to
the design of rollers and an
independent suspension. It was a new
machine for us, and yet, the quality of
the paved road sections we provided did
not differ from that of the others.
I must admit that the professionals
were paving asphalt next to us, who
knew their machines perfectly. I am
sure that, if experienced, skilled
operators work with our asphalt paver,
the quality of paving will be extremely
high. I recommend to those who are
going to buy the AP655D asphalt paver
to think about the track. We bought
a machine with smooth track, yet, now
I think a rubber track with grousers
would be preferable. There are
moments when an asphalt paver may
skid. We have learnt how to handle this
but yet I advise to buy track with
grousers. The manufacturer offers the
wheel option, too, but I do not think it
will be as manoeuvrable as the track
one. A track-based machine may easily
turn on a dime.