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Company News
S t r a t e g y o f S u c c e s s
Irkutsk Service Centre
The construction of a service centre in
Irkutsk is approaching its end.
Concrete works have been completed
as well as the erection of the
building’s metal frame; the building
foundations have been reinforced.
The works were partially conducted in
difficult winter conditions, due to the
imminent deadlines of the
construction. Roofing works have
been completed on the service and
administrative buildings in a very short
time, with modern materials used.
Currently, the air-conditioning,
ventilation, electric supply, and
lighting networks have been laid on
three floors of the administrative
building. Finishing works are being
conducted in accordance with the
developed design project; at the
moment, they are 70 % complete.
Window panes and stained glass
decorations are in place, and soon the
building walls are to be insulated and
covered with aluminum composite
In the territory of the service centre,
external water supply, drainage, and
heat supply networks have been laid.
The builders of the subdivision of
BaikalStroyResourse coped with this
task within two weeks and are now
starting to arrange the storm sewer
system, ensuring drainage of
rainwater from the entire territory of
the centre. The electrical power cable
has been laid, together with a standby
cable for cases of emergency.
In August, the builders will start land
improvements on the site, including
concreting and laying pavement tiles.
The Irkutsk Service Centre will
represent a modern complex of
facilities fitted with modern
equipment and meeting high-level
Eduard Volynov,
Building Engineer, Irkutsk
Construction of Magadan Service Centre
is in Full Swing
By the end of this June, the general
contractor OAO Ust-
SrednekanGESstroy has carried out
full ground replacement and installed
a foundation consisting of sixty-five
79-tonne concrete blocks. That was
done to exclude the impact of an
underground river flowing directly
beneath the future service centre.
Erection of a steel frame for the main
building has already been completed,
and the frame for the office premises
is now being built. By the end of 2012,
the contractor plans to complete
construction of the building case, to
install sandwich panels, and to
arrange the heating system and
electricity supply.
Together with these works, two
storage premises are being restored,
which will be used as cold stores. In
one of these, a service workshop is
now being built, intended for repairs
and other services works until
construction of the main service
centre is completed.
For a number of years, the Magadan
office was located in rented premises,
but the owner decided to sell them.
Therefore, the management of our
company decided to repair a building
located in the territory bought to
accommodate the construction site of
a service centre. In May 2012, the
repair was completed, and the
Magadan office moved into a new
building. This became a memorable
event for us, and the relocation
essentially improved the working
mood and visibly inspired the
Much is yet to be done, especially
when it comes to the improvement of
the territory adjacent to the building.
This autumn, we are planning to
restore the lighting tower and to start
erecting a fence. For the new fiscal
year, there are funds in the budget to
restore an overhead travelling crane.
This will allow us to significantly
reduce the costs of unloading
containers and of assembling heavy
Ivan Kraynov,
Regional Director, Magadan
и укладке тротуарной плитки.
Сервисный центр Иркутска будет пред-
ставлять собой современный комплекс
зданий, оснащенных новым оборудо-
ванием, отвечающим высоким требо-
Эдуард Волынов,
инженер-строитель, г. Иркутск
ского филиала размещался в арендо-
ванном помещении, но владелец решил
продать его. Поэтому руководством
нашей компании было принято реше-
ние отремонтировать здание, находя-
щееся на территории, купленной под
строительство сервисного центра. В мае
2012 года ремонт был завершен, и мага-
данский офис переехал в новое здание.
Это стало знаменательным событием
для нас, и переезд значительно улуч-
шил рабочую атмосферу и заметно
воодушевил сотрудников.
Необходимо сделать еще очень много,
особенно по обустройству территории,
прилегающей к сервисному центру.
Этой осенью мы планируем восстано-
вить осветительную вышку и начать
установку забора. С нового финансо-
вого года мы заложили в бюджете
деньги на восстановление мостового
крана. Это поможет нам существенно
снизить затраты при разгрузке контей-
неров и сборке тяжелой техники.
Иван Крайнов,
региональный директор, г. Магадан