P a s s i o n f o r B r a n d
Two companies — VT and the
appointed second-level dealer — are
involved in the supplies of diesel
generator sets (DGS) of the Olympian
series by Caterpillar in the Irkutsk
Region. Perhaps, the region suffers
from blackouts, and citizens are
actively switching over to
self-sustained generation plants?
Luckily not. The Irkutsk, Bratsk and
Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power plants
operate normally, and our equipment
serves as standby equipment.
Local power generation is a dynamically
developing segment. Telecommunications
(mobile operators), banks, medical
institutions, towers — virtually all of these
need own standby electricity. The floor of
standby electricity generation begins with
10 kW, while the ceiling is limited only to
the customer’s finance. It is clear that a
small power generation plant project,
which is waiting for its time and probably
will never be implemented, differs from
a project of building a modern facility
from scratch. The idea to entrust the small
customers segment to outsourcers,
capable of implementing a task from
beginning to end and thus freeing the
company professionals for major projects
is blocked by a problem: where can these
structures be found?
Brand loyalty, responsibility for the
customer, a desire to satisfy his wishes
and the ability to ensure the required level
of service... It seems impossible to find
such a partner among numerous small
businesses involved in so many different
areas. This is almost right. During more
than 5-years history, VT got one real
partner in the self-sustained power
production — the Irkutsk company
EnergoReserve. Having started with single
sales, Andrey Borodin, the company’s
Director General, is now fully prepared to
bear responsibility for all the supplies of
Olympian products manufactured by
Caterpillar in the Irkutsk Region. After
meeting him and his team, our reporter
realised that he has everything necessary
to do that.
Focus on one area
– Foreign experience shows that it is
quite convenient for large suppliers of
equipment to develop their own networks
of contractors, who are also named
second-level dealers. These companies
not only sell stations but fulfil a whole
series of auxiliary services, — says Dmitry
Edinov, Diesel Power projects Regional
Representative, while explaining the
beginning of cooperation with the small
company from Irkutsk. — Tom Austin
started developing this segment in our
company. He talked to the management,
and then several months passed to
develop a standard contract. By the way,
later it was taken as a sample document
by other Cat® dealers in the CIS. When
everything was ready, we began selecting
the future partners. First, we were
looking for those who knew our
equipment and had experience of selling
or servicing it.
By that time, the Irkutsk company
EnergoReserve was not much different
from the numerous enterprises which
offered various backup power sources to
their customers. Just like the others, the
company professionals could install any
of the models available at the market
upon the customer’s request; however,
the fact that the company could do this
doesn’t imply it agreed. Without
a background in power engineering,
Andrey Borodin from the start decided to
supply reliable equipment only, like
Cummins, SDMO, Caterpillar, and Gesan.
Even if the customers were ready to buy
Chinese and Russian equipment, he did
not sell those. Not planning to spend
much on advertising, he believed that the
best choice was to get the customers’ best
references. Irkutsk is not so big, and he
planned to work long.
– After having come and talked to
Andrey, — recalls Dmitry, — I saw he had
interest for our equipment and slowly,
but surely, discussing all the issues in
detail and having provided training to the
company employees, we understood that
the company fully switched to our
equipment. Now, it provides the
Olympian product line in Irkutsk.
– Has the company become VT’s
– I can surely agree with this but we
discuss which customers are assign to
different distributors. If VT does not
work with a company, the EnergoReserve
professionals begin to work with it. We
have almost had no problems, although
we have been cooperating since 2007.
Why do I focus on this company? This is
because the dealer has left all the others
far behind. He has his own understanding
of business, he knows the product very
well, and he repairs the equipment where
parts have been replaced with
confidence. His services are less
expensive for the customer. This is an
advantage for us, as he ensures loyalty to
our brand. He covers the banking sector
rather well, for which it is important to
know the security system.
– How many orders has the company
One Man, No Man
Китайскую и российскую технику, даже
если заказчик был готов брать,
не поставлял. Не предполагая тратить
большие деньги на рекламу, считал,
что лучший вариант, если о работе его
компании будут хорошо отзываться
заказчики, с которыми он имел дело.
Иркутск — не такой большой город,
а он планировал работать долго.
– Приехав и переговорив с Андреем, —
вспоминает Дмитрий, — я увидел, что
у него есть интерес к нашему оборудо-
ванию, и понемногу, детально обсуж-
дая все вопросы, проведя обучение,
мы пришли к тому, что компания пол-
ностью перешла на наше оборудова-
ние. Сейчас он представляет в Иркутске
всю линейку серии Olympian.
– Стал конкурентом «ВТ»?
– Такой момент есть, но мы обсуж-
даем, какой из заказчиков за кем
закреплен. Если «ВТ» с кем-то не рабо-
тает, им начинают заниматься специа-
листы «ЭнергоРезерва». Проблем прак-
тически не было, хотя сотрудничаем
с 2007 года. Почему заостряю на нем
внимание? Этот дилер очень далеко
ушел от всех. У него полностью свое
понимание бизнеса, очень хорошо
знает продукт, спокойно ремонтирует
оборудование, на котором произошла
замена деталей. Заказчику его услуги
обходятся дешевле. Для нас это плюс,
поскольку он обеспечивает лояльность
нашему бренду. Хорошо закрывает
банковский сектор, для которого важно
знать систему безопасности.
– А сектор телекоммуникаций?
– Этим занимаются наши специалисты.
– Сколько у этой компании выпол-
ненных заказов?
– Очень много, оборудование установ-
лено по всему Иркутску и области,
в Республике Бурятии и Саха-Якутии.
Последний большой проект — поставка
аварийных источников питания в меж-
дународный аэропорт Иркутска.
Помимо ДГУ, занимаются промышлен-
ными источниками бесперебойного
питания (UPS). Очень хорошо отлажена
практическая часть. Открыли свой
склад запчастей, создали сервисную
службу. Ребята очень грамотные, все-
гда могут что-то сами допаять, доде-
лать. У нас есть регламент работ,
и чтобы, например, залить фундамент
или проложить кабель, приходится
обращаться в стороннюю организацию.